We want to change the sorry state of the Jewish cemetery in Konstantynow Lodzki.

World War II Aerial Photo of Cemetery Grounds

Former Gestapo Building, now Town Library


Approximated Boundaries of the Cemetery

 At the present time the cemetery grounds exhibit no visible signs that people are buried there. The grounds are overgrown with trees, there is no fence, no monument and there are no gravestones. The Nazis removed the gravestones from the cemetery and made a walk - with the writing facing up - leading to the building they designated as Gestapo headquarters.

The grounds are now part of the town's recreational area. We would like to find the gravestones which were taken by the area residents after the war ended. 

We would like to have a sign mounted on the wall along Laska Street which designates the grounds as a Jewish cemetery.  In addition, we would like to erect a stone monument to include recovered gravestones and fence in the grounds.  


Please contact us to learn more about progress made to date, and to offer your time or financial support for this effort. 

To learn the fate of the Jewish Community of Konstantynow Lodzki please visit: